The original announcement specified that '18 players will participate', but there were 23 different players over the six events. A pair of articles on -- FIDE Grand Prix: A call for a fair player selection process and Geoffrey Borg replies to Zhdanov on the FIDE Women Grand Prix -- explained how this came about.
I had hoped to document the final Grand Prix standings on that 2011-12 WGP page, but was unable to find them. The official site,, currently lists only the totals through the fifth event, Jermuk 2012. If you're not sure what happens next in the Women's World Championship, see my post on the fifth event, 2011-2012 Women's Grand Prix, Jermuk.
Following up a subsequent idea, outlined in
2015-2016 Women's Grand Prix, the Players
(December 2016; 'The first two posts, 2009-2010 & 2011-2012, could use a chart like the one shown above.'),
I added the chart shown on the left.
For each of the players who competed in the 2011-2012 Grand Prix, it shows the total score achieved and the number of games played by the player.
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