31 October 2018

Worldchess Is Wide Awake

The 2018 Carlsen - Caruana World Championship title match starts next week. After the brief detour on this blog to cover the FIDE Presidential election (last seen in Gonzo Chess Journalism) let's return to the main subject, where the most recent posts were

But what to write about? Maybe the half-dozen emails I received from Worldchess during the month of October? When I went back to review them, I found an ad sitting on top of the list of messages. It looked something like this:-

Worldchess.com [AD] • World Chess - Watch The Championship Online • The World Chess Championship Has Started. See the Official Live Broadcast Today.

After wondering how the ad got there, I clicked on it and was sent to the main page, Worldchess.com. The site has been much expanded since I last visited it and now contains a goldmine of information about the match. Particularly noteworthy are the three links for social media:-

I captured the start of the Instagram page in the following image. The most recent images are related to the flurry of email messages I received from Worldchess in October.


Even more interesting are a couple of images that appear a few screens down, both posted on Instagram last June. One shows Caruana playing chess against a Donald Trump lookalike. Another is a much racier version of the logo that made headlines last December. I reported on it in a couple of posts at that time:-

When did chess become 'R'-rated?

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