Three of the 15 matches played at Riga were decided by Armageddon games. Compare that to the Moscow event, where only one match went beyond the rapidplay tiebreak and was decided in the first blitz match.
31 July 2019
2019 Grand Prix, Riga
24 July 2019
Zonal Qualifiers C09-C12
I've decided that the format of the data in the chart is sufficient for new zonal pages on my World Championship site.
I applied the format to four cycles and created four new pages:-
These pages show only the qualifier data. The other bells and whistles found on the existing pages, like (C13) 1984-1987 Zonal Cycle Qualifiers, will be added after I create similar pages for C01 through C08.
17 July 2019
Zonal Qualifiers C11
The first two columns are from the ZQP (zonal qualifying paths) data that I described in the C12 post. The last two columns are from my own pages. The zone numbers 'z01' etc. correspond to my page (C11) 1978-1981 Zonal Cycle. The last column is a code for the two interzonals that were held during the cycle:-
There are two gaps in the data. One is for Mecking; the other is for Sunye Neto. I'll follow those up another time.
I've decided that the format of the data in the chart is sufficient for new zonal pages on my World Championship site. See the table at the bottom of the index page, World Chess Championship Zonals, for cycles C13 (1984-87) and after.