05 June 2024

Toronto Candidates - Women

Due to severe time constraints, it's been a while since I posted Toronto Candidates - Third Week (April 2024). There I wrote,
I'll have a wrapup report on the entire event and a separate report on the Women’s Candidates as soon as I get a chance.

Let's have the Women’s Candidates first. Here is the crosstable as created by TWIC.

FIDE Women's Candidates Tournament 2024
(theweekinchess.com; TWIC)

The corresponding report started,

Tan Zhongyi is the clear winner of the Women's Candidates 2024 • Tan Zhongyi will challenge Ju Wenjun for the World Chess Championship in 2025. The 32 year old player was not the favourite for the event but her confident play dominated with only a round 8 loss to her closest challenger Lei Tingjie as a blemish in the event.

For a crosstable on the previous Women's Championship match, see 2023 Ju Wenjun - Lei Tingjie Title Match; Shanghai / Chongqing (China), VII, 2023. Both players were mentioned in the TWIC report quoted above.

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