06 October 2021

2021 World Cup Player Indices

In last week's post, 2021 Women's World Cup Crosstables (September 2021), I ended with an action:-
As for the PGN and the 'Index of Players', the same task needs to be done for the concurrent event already documented in '2021 World Cup Crosstables' (September 2021).

The two events were:-

I updated the respective indices that cover all World Chess Championship (WCC) events since the 19th century:-

The unrestricted event included 200 players, of which 122 were veterans of other WCC events, and 78 were competing for the first time in a WCC event. In an earlier post on Sochi, 2021 World Cup Tiebreak (August 2021), I noted that the regulations specified 206 players: 156 players in round 1, joined by 50 top seeds in round 2. The same post explained that 'The difference of six players stems from six first round matches that were not played.'

The women's event included 101 players, of which 57 were veterans of women's events and 44 were competing for the first time. How does this compare with the regulations? Here I ran into a problem. I had regulations for 'Women’s World Cup 2020' and for 'Women’s World Cup 2022', both downloaded February 2020, which was pre-covid pandemic.

Digging deeper, I discovered that FIDE released 'Regulations for the FIDE Women’s World Cup 2021' in June 2021, a month before the event took place. That document specified that 78 players in round 1 were to be joined by 25 top seeds in round 2, for a total of 103 players. The difference of two players (103 in the regulations vs. 101 who actually played) was again accounted by two first round matches that were not played.

I spent so much time researching those numeric mismatches that I was unable to tackle the PGN. I'll do that for my next post, along with a second look at 2021 World Cup Name Mismatches (August 2021), where I wrote,

Other mismatches had to do with the spelling of player's names on TWIC and on the official site. Although I resolved the name mismatches, I ran out of time to go further. I'll document the mismatches at the appropriate place.

In retrospect, I think I made a mistake trying to document both Sochi events at the same time. The result has been a process that has dragged out for too long, with neither event fully documented. The upcoming Grand Swiss will also have concurrent tournaments. I'll try a different approach for those.


Later: Re 'two first round matches that were not played', the players who forfeited those matches are listed here:-

Ovezdurdiyeva (Badelka)
Paramzina (Bhakti)

Their opponents, whose names are listed in parentheses, advanced to the second round.

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