06 September 2023

2022-23 WGP, New Delhi & Nicosia

In the previous post, 2023 World Cup, Baku (August 2023), I reminded myself about a couple of actions:-
Last week, in Back in the Saddle with PGN (August 2023), I ended saying, "Next stop: The 2023 World Cup is nearing its finish in Baku. Also to do is the final leg of the Women's Grand Prix, last seen in 2022-23 WGP, New Delhi (April 2023)."

I tackled the first action in that Baku post, while the second action referenced an earlier post, 2022-23 WGP, New Delhi, Marred by Withdrawals (April 2023). The second action would have more accurately described as documenting 'the final *two* legs'.


2022-23 WGP, New Delhi

From Fide.com:-


2022-23 WGP, Nicosia

From Fide.com:-

The series of four Women's Grand Prix events needs a wrapup post to pull everything together.

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